Introducing context-aware blockchains

Web3 Humanized

Embedding intelligence for safe and adaptable web3

MOI In action

Real world interactions are context aware

Integrating intelligence into blockchains to spur mainstream adoption

Introducing context-aware blockchains

Safety through user owned assets

MOI ensures maximum safety through participant-centric state management.

Scalability from context-aware consensus

No more compromising security for scalability - with embedded intelligence, get massively parallel on-demand consensus for local finality and global scalability, providing unlimited blockspace.

Flexibility by interaction-centric execution

Achieve practical adoption and native interoperability with a decoupled messaging-oriented micro-transaction execution model.

Reliability from human-centric network security

A multi-factor behavior-based security model for evergrowing network decentralization.

Real world applications of MOI

Safe DeFi

Assets remain with their owners, not centralized in smart contracts, reducing hack risks.

Trusted AI

Use Contextual Compute and integrated file (CRUD) operations for data provenance and privacy.

User-owned RWA

Native asset support ensures ease of asset creation and native interoperability.

Decentralized Commerce

Context-aware on-demand consensus enables hyper-local app development tailored to user needs, free from data or infrastructure constraints.

Our journey to humanizing web3

New intelligent machinery is created


Contextual Compute

Fully p2p state machine is built


Interaction State Machine

Context-aware blockchain is launched


MOI Protocol

Stateful internet
is real


Million node MOI Network







MOI in the news

Web3 — the next phase of our digital lives — must enhance human connections

For most readers, Web3 is a futuristic concept unrelated to daily life, but that’s soon to change. In the not-too-distant past, the digital realm was something we logged on to, but now, we wake up in it. Every appliance is “smart,” and our devices need things from us — they ding and vibrate and demand more information.


The CryptoOracle Collective Announces The 10 Members of Cohort #1 Of Its AI Web3 Accelerator

MOI: Web3 Protocol for the real world. A Simple, secure, and intelligent tech that aligns the emerging digital and AI goals with practical human needs via a revolutionary participant-centric compute model.  Founder location: USA


Prioritizing Humans Over Applications: MOI

During the interview with TechGraph, Anantha Krishnan, Founder Of MOI spoke about how its “context-first” blockchain approach and participant-centric network are helping to shape a tech-driven world that prioritizes human value and individualization, and how MOI’s Babylon Testnet is responding to the emerging metaverse.

cxo today

MOI Humanizes the Internet: Unveiling the World’s First Contextual Compute Machine

Powered by ISM technology, MOI, the world’s first context aware P2P protocol goes live to make Web3 simple, equitable, and real.

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