MOI : World's first context-aware massively parallel blockchain

Seamlessly blending L-1 security with L-2 scalability for adaptive interactions. With embedded intelligence and built-in parallelism, MOI scales to millions of nodes, and billions of transactions.

Tech Secret Sauce

Secure hyper-parallel data structure

Intelligent participant centric consensus

Dynamic interaction-centric computing

Behaviour based network security

Engineering components


Multi Link Composite DAG is a unique participant-centric state model offering infinite blockspace with high safety and scalability.


Krama is a context-based, highly scalable ordering and SMR algorithm that offers immediate finality without compromising security.

Interaction state machine

An intent-driven compute engine enabling diverse interactions and Web2-Web3 interoperability with a unique compute paradigm.

Context Power

Context-Power is a new human-centric resource for sybil resistance, offering permanent reliability and increasing decentralization.

The power of context-aware blockchains

Interactions on MOI are simple

MOI's micro-transaction architecture enables user-friendly interoperability between web2 and web3, seamlessly taking web2 to the next billion users.

Assets in MOI are safe

Take control of your digital assets on MOI with true ownership and direct peer-to-peer exchanges, skipping central registry contracts.

Execution in MOI is natively intelligent

MOI is an inherently intelligent and adaptable blockchain that mimics the real-world interactions, enabling simple & practical usage.

Governance in MOI is democratic

The MOI network is governed and managed in a truly decentralised manner.

MOI Papers

MOI vision paper

On the truth of happiness - Foundational Need of Humanity in Web3: The current Internet model suffers from the pre-digital framework of power aggregation through interaction intermediation.

MOI concept paper

For sustainable, fair, and fulfilling interactions in our digital society, Web3 must undergo a transformative shift towards human-like interactions.

MOI whitepaper

The emerging digitally interacting world is evident all around us. We no longer use the internet to simply send emails or search for information.

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